

这个BLOG已经开了很长一段时间了,可是一直都没有上来写东西 (-_-;) 这就是人聪明过动物的地方,总会为自己找各种各样的理由来逃离麻烦的事情而使自己过得更加轻松(其实简单点说就是懒啦 啊哈哈哈),可是,不知不觉中,却让一些美好的回忆从身边逝去,所以决定啦,从今天开始要努力的更新BLOG,哈哈,希望能坚持久一点啦……

This Blog was apply for a long time but I always set it aside and didn't write anything on it because of the lazy.Human are more smart than animal because human usually use all sorts of reasons to escape from disagreeables,so do I.haha.However,many wonderful memory were pass by before we know them.